Current Trends in the Concrete Kerbing Industry
As a startup concrete contracting business, small projects offer the perfect opportunity to get a feel of the industry. Installing or repairing commercial kerbing is an excellent example of such projects. That said, you want to do the best kerbing job if you're going to attract and retain clients because commercial property owners frequently approach experienced concrete contractors. Part of the experience entails keeping up with the latest trends in the commercial kerbing industry. This article highlights current trends in concrete kerbing that you can explore and gain a competitive edge in the kerbing segment.
Mobility Kerbs
Commercial property owners understand the need for designing spaces that are accessible to everyone. Moreover, it is required by law that all commercial properties provide ease of access to all user groups. Mobility kerbs provide such access without compromising on functionality or aesthetic appeal. With mobility kerbs, people with partial eyesight can notice pavement edges without much struggle. At the same time, the sloping orientation of mobility kerbs ensures that the steepness is comfortable for people with mobility problems. Including mobility kerbs in your line of kerbing services will send a clear message to your clients that you appreciate the needs of commercial pavement users.
Kerb-Edge Cutting
In commercial properties where vehicles pull up at the entryway or in parking lots, right angle kerbs are a nuisance because the edges damage car doors. To prevent such damage, property owners opt to replace the kerbing with low-level kerbs, which are time-consuming and expensive. The other option is to instruct car owners to park a few feet away from the edge of the kerbing, which wastes precious space. You can help such clients with the D-Kerb. It is a revolutionary kerb-cutting machine that can create a chamfered kerb out of pre-existing right-angled kerbs in a matter of hours.
Pre-Cast Curved Kerbs
Bends are inevitable in any commercial property, and while it is possible to achieve a curved edge with straight kerbs, the process is time-consuming. To get around the problem, a new type of pre-cast kerbs has hit the market: the curved kerbs. The new kerb design allows contractors to create a perfect bend without the trouble of aligning several small pieces of straight kerbs until a curve is achieved. Besides, the pre-cast curved concrete kerbs are available in both concave and convex shapes options that allow for any kerbing curve. Contact a professional to learn more.